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Happy New Year to you!!! 

Welcome to the new DECADE! 

I don’t know about you, but I am super stoked about a fresh start! This time of year, always feels rejuvenating in a sense of readdressing goals and intentions, and setting new ones. It can truly be a wonderful time for action, inspiration, and motivation! This time of year can also often turn into a time of reflection and comparing yourself to your expectation of where you think you should be. This year, there seems to be a lot of pressure in particular, because it is the beginning of a new decade. “AHHHH, I should be further along….” “AHHHH, this person is doing so much better than me….” “AHHHH, I should be doing _______, not _______!!” “AHHHH, I’m ____ years old, and still here?!” “AHHHH, what the EFF is wrong with me?….” 

Sound familiar? 

Before we go any further, let me remind you: you are exactly as you should be. I mean that physically, mentally, and spiritually. Everything you are experiencing in this moment is by design of your purpose. You may feel nudges within you to change and readjust, but that’s because life is always calling you to evolve. From your very first moment of conception in the womb, you were evolving into something more.. and that will continue until the day you die, and probably beyond that, honestly. Give yourself a some space and love, and read that paragraph again, if you need to!

As I observe everyone on social media posting their decade reviews, I review my own within myself, and am so grateful for the experiences I have had over there course of the last 10 years. The swinging 10’s were truly a beautiful pendulum swing through the highs and lows as I navigated through my 20’s. They were very defining years of my life. If I so choose, I could totally beat myself up for the many times in the past decade where I should have trusted my gut, where I should have trusted God more, and where I should have made different choices. There were years of ignoring myself and cluttering my life with distractions so I didn’t have to face the reality of who I really am. 

Entering into this new decade, I am choosing to be grateful for each right decision, and each wrong one too. As I stand in the year 2020, hindsight is definitely 2020. Hindsight allows me to see that there is no difference between a right decision and a wrong one. We can’t get mad at ourselves for not making the best decisions when we didn’t know better. Or maybe we DID know better, but maybe relied on other people too much to make choices for us. It’s all a learning process of coming into our own. Every choice you have made up to this point has allowed you to clarify what you want, and what you don’t want. Hindsight brings CLARITY. It’s all a process of us healing our wounds, and becoming better. The collective choices were all just a roadmap that have led us exactly where our feet are planted here in 2020. 

I guess in that case, hindsight really is always 2020… because here we are, with a whole new vantage point for a new decade.

My hope for all of us as we enter into this new decade is that we all accept the clarity we’ve been given. By that I mean, forgiving yourself for the things you could have done better, and honoring the past for where it has brought you today. I pray that we are able to see ourselves through this new 2020 vision and acknowledge that everything that has lead to this very moment is what gives us purpose on this planet. Your story is beautiful, and your story is valid. 

Cheers to you in this new year! I am excited to continue to grow and evolve with you! 

Much love and peace!
